Secret Sharing Schemes
List of Papers
- M. Iwamoto, H.Koga, H.Yamamoto, "Coding theorems for a (2,2)-threshold scheme with detectability of impersonation attacks," IEEE Trans. on Infrom. Theory, vol.58, No.9, pp.6194-6206, Sept. 2012
- K.Harada and H.Yamamoto, "Strongly Secure Linear Network Coding", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E91, no.10, pp.2720-2728, Oct. 2008
- H.Yamamoto, and H. Ogawa, "Optimal multiple assignments based on integer programming in secret sharing with general access structures," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E90-A, no.1, pp.101-112, Jan. 2007
- M.Iwamoto and H.Yamamoto, "Strongly Secure Ramp Secret Sharing Schemes for General Access Structures," Information Processing Letters, vol.97, issue 2, pp.52-57, Jan. 2006
- T.Ogawa, A.Sasaki, M.Iwamoto, H.Yamamoto, "Quantum Secret Sharing Schemes and Reversibility of Quantum Operations", Physical Review A, vol.72, no.3, pp.032318-1-7, Sept. 2005
- M.Iwamoto and H.Yamamoto, "A construction method of visual secret sharing schemes for plural secret images," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E86.A, no.10, pp.2577-2588, Oct. 2003
- M.Iwamoto and H.Yamamoto, "The optimal n-out-of-n visual secret sharing scheme for gray-scale images," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E85.A, no.10, pp.2238-2247, Oct. 2002
- H.Koga, M.Iwamoto, and H.Yamamoto, "An analytic construction of the visual secret sharing scheme for color images", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E84-A, no.1, pp.262-272, Jan. 2001
- H.Koga and H.Yamamoto, "Proposal of a lattice-based visual secret sharing scheme for color and gray-scale", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol.E81-A, no.6, pp.1262-1269, June 1998
- H.Yamamoto, "Coding theorem for secret sharing communication systems with two Gaussian wiretap channels", IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol.37, no.3, pp.634-638, Sep. 1991
- H.Yamamoto, "Coding theorem for secret sharing communication systems with two noisy channels", IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol.35, no.3, pp.572-578, May 1989
- H.Yamamoto, "On secret sharing communication systems with two or three channels", IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol.IT-32, no.3, pp.387-393, May 1986
- H.Yamamoto, " "Secret sharing system using (k,L,n) threshold scheme (in Japanese)", Trans. of the IECE of Japan, vol.J68-A, no.9, pp.945-952, Sep. 1985, [English translation : Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part I, vol.69, no.9, pp.46-54, (Scripta Technica, Inc.), Sep. 1986]